Szechuan Green Beans

Szechuan green beans

Aromatic ginger and garlic, salty tamari, spicy sriracha, these green beans are so delicious I could eat an entire pan of them. You blister the green beans in a hot pan, then add in the garlic, ginger and green onions, next… working quickly you add the sugar, tamari and sriracha. This is where the dish transforms from being boring old green beans to coated in a sticky sauce packed with deep caramelized flavours.

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Fermented Hot Sauce

I think we can all agree that I kind of suck at this whole blogging thing. Well here I am, after a long break, to post a recipe that I am very excited about.

I love hot sauce! I love the tingly feeling it leaves in my mouth, I love the way beads of sweat form on my nose, I love the beautiful peppers that grow like glowing ornaments hanging off of the plants. But… I am not a huge fan of the vinegary hot sauces. For a while I was pretty obsessed with sriracha, a subtle sweetness and a hint of garlic, but reading the label can be kind of off putting, which led me to experiment with making my own version.

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